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MI Pre-Service Training Pkg - ONLINE

This ONLINE training package has 12 clock hours of Pre-service training required for New Staff members in the first 90 days of employment. We chose material that fulfills 10 hours of Pre-service CCDF/CCDBG Health & Safety training and 2 hours of Pre-service Child Development training required for New Staff members per the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs / Child Care Licensing Bureau. We take the guesswork out of selecting materials and enter completed Packages in MiRegistry for you! First aid and CPR are not covered in this package. This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!

—We suggest you keep a 6-month supply of these packages on hand for your New Staff—

Trainings included in package:

  • Health & Safety Topic: Medication Administration - 1 hour

    Training 1.10: Giving Medications Safely and Effectively

  • Health & Safety Topic: Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome & Abusive Head Trauma - 1 hour

    Training 1.10: 1.11 SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome: Prevention and other Advice

  • Health & Safety Topic: Preventing Spread of Communicable Diseases/Immunizations - 1 hour

    Training 2.3: Health & Safety Tips: Flu Outbreaks & Other Advice

  • Health & Safety Topic: Handling & Storage of Hazardous Materials/Correct Disposal of Bio Contaminants - 1 hour

    Training 5.1: Keeping Kids Safe: Food Intolerance, Bloodborne Pathogens & More

  • Health & Safety Topic: Prevention of & Response to Emergencies due to Food and Allergic Reactions - 1 hour

    Training 7.5: Allergies and Asthma

  • Health & Safety Topic: Building & Physical Premises Safety - 1 hour

    Training 11.6: Ensuring a Safe Care Environment

  • Health & Safety Topic: SIDS Prevention & Use of Safe Sleeping Practices - 1 hour

    Training 1.12: Preventing SIDS in a Childcare Setting

  • Health & Safety Topic: Emergency Preparedness & Response Planning - 1 hour

    Training 12.3: Emergency Preparedness: Prepare for the Worst, Be Ready for the Best

  • Health & Safety Topic: Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases - 1 hour

    Training 12.8: Take Your Best Shot: Immunizations in Daycares

  • Health & Safety Topic: Appropriate Precautions in Transporting Children - 1 hour

    Training 17.1: Safety Tips for Transporting Children

  • Topic: Child Development (school-age) - 1 hour

    Training 3.9: School Readiness: Preparing Children for Kindergarten

  • Topic: Child Development (infant/toddler) - 1 hour

    Training 1.12: Building Baby’s Brain with Exercise and Sensory Stimulation

MI Pre-Service Pkg - ONLINE

Price $47.00

12 clock hours: For NEW STAFF


Related training packages:

How our ONLINE training packages work:

  • Directors purchase a training package for each of their staff and then assign the training to them
  • The training site sends an email immediately to assigned staff with login instructions
  • Students start and stop the course at their own pace
  • All materials are ONLINE, no additional materials are needed
  • Students read each Training and take the corresponding Test material
  • Tests are auto-corrected
  • Upon Completion, Certificates are available as a pdf to save or print
  • We enter Trainings in MiRegistry