This ONLINE package fulfills 15 clock hours of annual training required for Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors at a Wisconsin Family or Group childcare center. The material includes 8 Trainings which cover 7 topics per the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families / Division of Early Care and Education Child Care taking the guesswork out and we enter completed Packages in the Wisconsin Registry for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
—We suggest you purchase one of these training packages for each of your Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors—
Topic: Caring for Children with Disabilities (2 Hrs)
Training 5.08: ADD and IEPs: Observation, Intervention, Behavior Management
Topic: Child Abuse or Neglect (2 Hrs)
Training 10.01: Child Abuse: Warning Signs and Follow-up
Topic: Child Growth and Development (3 Hrs)
Training 5.12: Eight Different Ways Kids Learn
Training 4.08: Keeping Cool While Calming Baby
Topic: Guiding Children’s Behavior (2 Hrs)
Training 3.08: Bullies, Victims, & Bystanders: Anti-Bullying Strategies are Essential
Topic: Nutrition (2 Hrs)
Training 6.05: Healthy Eating for Children
Topic: Physical Activity (2 Hrs)
Training 5.05: Learning While Having Fun: Types of Play and Play & Activity Ideas
Topic: Transportation Safety (2 Hrs)
Training 17.01: Safety Tips for Transporting Children
15 clock hours: For Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors