This ONLINE package fulfills 12 clock hours of annual training required for Caregivers and Teachers at an Alabama childcare center per the Alabama Department of Human Resources / Child Care Services Division, Office of Child Care Licensing. The material includes 6 Trainings which cover 6 topics taking the guesswork out of it for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
—We suggest you purchase one of these training packages for each Caregiver—
Topic: Child Development (2 Hrs)
Training 3.09: School Readiness: Preparing Children for Kindergarten
Topic: Health, Safety and Universal Precautions (2 Hrs)
Training 1.11: SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome: Prevention and other Advice
Topic: Language Development (2 Hrs)
Training 9.02: Recognizing Childhood Language Disorders
Topic: Positive Discipline and Guidance (2 Hrs)
Training 1.08: Strategies to Identify and Prevent Bullying
Topic: Quality Child Care and Licensing (2 Hrs)
Training 2.06: Creating the Right Atmosphere in Your Classroom
Topic: The Child Care Professional and the Family (2 Hrs)
Training 6.06: Mastering the Toilet: Tips Toward a Toddler’s Independence
12 clock hours: For Caregivers and Teachers