These ONLINE training packages can be used to fulfill Self-Instructional annual training hours for Caregivers, Primary Caregivers, and Directors at a Texas Childcare Center or Home. Caregivers are allowed to have a maximum of 18 Self-Instructional annual training hours, while Primary Caregivers and Directors are allowed to have a maximum of 24 Self-Instructional annual training hours. Therefore we offer a Self-Instructional package for Caregivers that includes 18 clock hours and Self-Instructional packages for Primary Caregivers and Directors that include 24 clock hours.
—If you prefer to also purchase the required Instructor-Led annual training hours, please purchase our All-Inclusive packages listed under Related Training Packages.—
The material we selected covers topics per the Texas Health and Human Services Commission which takes the guesswork out of it for you! These courses are auto-corrected and all essay answers are corrected and verified by a Texas Certified Instructor. Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
—We suggest you purchase these training packages for each Caregiver and Director —
Topic: Child Growth and Development (2 Hrs)
Training 3.06: Tell Me a Story! Stories, Storytelling Build Literacy Skills
Topic: Guidance and Discipline (2 Hrs)
Training 5.02: Dealing With Difficult Behavior: Helping Children Share & Other Advice
Topic: Age Appropriate Curriculum (1 Hr)
Training 3.04: Simple is Often Better in Math & Science
Topic: Teacher-Child Interaction (1 Hr)
Training 1.08: Strategies to Identify and Prevent Bullying
Topic: Child Abuse and Neglect (1 Hr)
Training 18.05: Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
Topic: SIDS Prevention & Use of Safe Sleeping Practices (1 Hr)
Training 18.06: Sweet Dreams: Safe Sleep Practices to Prevent SIDS
Topic: Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome & Abusive Head Trauma (1 Hr)
Training 19.01: Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma Awareness
Topic: Understanding Early Childhood Brain Development (1 Hr)
Training 16.06: Decoding Early Brain Development
Topic: Emergency Preparedness / Building and Physical Premises Safety (1 Hr)
Training 19.04: A Safe & Solid Foundation
Topic: Preventing the Spread of Communicable Diseases including Immunizations (1 Hr)
Training 18.07: Shielding Young Lives: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Managing Communicable Diseases
Topic: Administering Medications (1 Hr)
Training 18.11: Medication Administration Basics for Childcare Providers
Topic: Emergencies, Food, Allergic Reactions (1 Hr)
Training 18.12: Addressing Food Allergies in the Childcare Setting
Topic: Handling, Storing, and Disposing of Hazardous Materials (1 Hr)
Training 18.10: Safety First: Mitigating Hazards in an Education Environment
Topic: Professional Development (1 Hr)
Training 4.03: Make Way for a Successful Day! The Role of Shadowing in Managing Behavior
Topic: Topics Relevant to Particular Age Group (1 Hr)
Training 1.02: Surviving the Infant & Toddler Years
Topic: Planning Developmentally Appropriate Learning Activities (1 Hr)
Training 3.10: The Importance of Play & Art Expression in Learning
Topic: Management Techniques, Leadership, or Staff Supervision (6 Hrs)
Training 5.09: Strategies for Successfully Managing Transitions
Training 17.12: Playing by the Book: The Need for Program Policies & Operational Handbooks
Training 19.06: Identifying Childcare Program Management Strategies
18 clock hours: Self-Instructional training only
24 clock hours: Self-Instructional training only
24 clock hours Self-Instructional training only