This ONLINE training package has 24 clock hours of training. It can be used to fulfill the 24 clock hours of training needed to meet the annual training requirement for Caregivers at a “Great Start to Quality” Michigan center. We chose material that covers 8 Professional Development (PD) Indicators per the Michigan Department of Education / Great Start to QUality. We take the guesswork out of selecting materials and enter completed Packages in MiRegistry for you! Please note: The PD8 Indicator Topic (for Admin/Director/School-age Site Supervisor/Owner) is not included in this package. This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
—We suggest you order one for each of your Caregivers—
Note to MI Caregivers that only require 16 clock hours of annual training: We also have a 16 clock hour MI 2024 Caregiver Package - ONLINE for you!
PD1: Professional Development Age Grouping Served - Infant/Toddler - 2 hours
Training 1.02: Surviving the Infant & Toddler Years
PD1: Professional Development Age Grouping Served – Preschool/School-age - 2 hour
Training 2.02: What is Appropriate Praise?…and other Behavioral Advice
PD2: Challenging Behaviors/Prevention of Suspension/Expulsion/Mental Health/Trauma-Informed Practices/Social and Emotional Health - 2 hours
Training 1.01: Keeping Your Cool: Dealing with Tantrums and Aggression
PD3: Culture /Diversity/Disabilities/Inclusive Practices- 2 hours
Training 13.04: Americans with Disabilities Act: Guidelines for Facility Accessibility
PD4: Family Engagement - 2 hours
Training 10.06: Building Meaningful Relationships with Families
PD5: The Strengthening Families™ (Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development) - 2 hours
Training 2.05: Infant & Toddler Development: Conferencing and Problem Solving are Crucial
PD6: Anti-Bias Approaches - 2 hours
Training 16.01: Implicit Bias: Overcoming Unconscious Favoritism or Prejudice
PD7: Focused on Effective Business Practices - 2 hours
Training 17.06: Financial Management in Early Childhood Programs
PD9: Child Abuse - 2 hours
Training 1.04: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
PD9: Health, Safety and Nutrition - 2 hours
Training 2.11: Helping Children Get the Sleep they Need
PD9: Interactions and Guidance - 2 hours
Training 1.03: Discipline as Easy as 1, 2, 3
PD9: Teaching and Learning - 2 hours
Training 2.06: Creating the Right Atmosphere in Your Classroom
24 clock hours: For GREAT START CAREGIVERS