This ONLINE package fulfills 16 clock hours of annual training required for Caregivers in select states. The material includes 16 Trainings which cover 16 Topics taking the guesswork out of it for you! This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them! We suggest you order one for each of your Caregivers.
—We do not enter Trainings from this package in your state Registry and ask that you check with your licensor to make sure this package is approved for use in your state—
Topic: Administering Medications (1 Hr)
Training 13.09: The Provider’s Guide to Administering Medications
Topic: Age Appropriate Curriculum (1 Hr)
Training 3.11: Music & Movement: The Value of Music in Learning
Topic: Child Abuse (1 Hr)
Training 1.04: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
Topic: Child Growth Development (1 Hr)
Training 2.10: Strategies for Reducing Separation Anxiety
Topic: Cultural Diversity (1 Hr)
Training 10.03: Teaching English Language Learners
Topic: Early Childhood Brain Development (1 Hr)
Training 10.10: The Mindfulness Connection: and its Impact on Early Childhood
Topic: Emergencies, Food, Allergic Reactions (1 Hr)
Training 18.12: Addressing Food Allergies in the Childcare Setting
Topic: Emergency Preparedeness; Building and Physical Premises Safety (1 Hr)
Training 19.04: A Safe & Solid Foundation
Topic: Guidance & Discipline (1 Hr)
Training 5.02: Dealing With Difficult Behavior: Helping Children Share & Other Advice
Topic: Handling, Storing, Hazardous Materials (1 Hr)
Training 18.10: Safety First: Mitigating Hazards in an Education Environment
Topic: Immunizations (1 Hr)
Training 18.07: Shielding Young Lives: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Managing Communicable Diseases
Topic: Nutrition (1 Hr)
Training 1.09: Promoting Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Topic: Safety (1 Hr)
Training 2.03: Health & Safety Tips: Flu Outbreaks & Other Advice
Topic: Shaken Baby Syndrome / SIDS (1 Hr)
Training 1.11: SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome: Prevention and other Advice
Topic: Special Needs (1 Hr)
Training 4.09: Dyslexia: Warning Signs, Myths & Strategies
Topic: Teacher/Child Interaction (1 Hr)
Training 6.02: Respect and Manners: Putting it into Practice
16 clock hours: For Caregivers