This ONLINE package fulfills 10 clock hours of Health & Safety CCDF/CCDBG training requirements for Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors in select states. The material covers 10 of the 11 required Health & Safety topics per the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services / Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care. taking the guesswork out of it for you! Please note: First aid and CPR are not covered in this package. This course is auto-corrected and self-paced, Directors/Trainers save time because the PC and mobile-friendly ONLINE platform does everything for them!
—We suggest you purchase one of these training packages for each of your Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors—
Topic: Building & Physical Premises Safety; Emergency Preparedness & Response Planning (2 Hrs)
Training 19.04: A Safe & Solid Foundation
Topic: Handling & Storage of Hazardous Materials/Correct Disposal of Bio Contaminants (1 Hr)
Training 18.10: Safety First: Mitigating Hazards in an Education Environment
Topic: Medication Administration (1 Hr)
Training 8.04: Addressing Anaphylaxis & Seizures
Topic: Precautions in Transporting Children (1 Hr)
Training 19.03: A Case for Avoiding Costly Errors During Transport
Topic: Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases - Including Immunizations (1 Hr)
Training 18.07: Shielding Young Lives: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Managing Communicable Diseases
Topic: Prevention of and Response to Emergencies due to Food and Allergic Reactions (1 Hr)
Training 18.12: Addressing Food Allergies in the Childcare Setting
Topic: Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome & Abusive Head Trauma (1 Hr)
Training 19.01: Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma Awareness
Topic: Recognition & Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect (1 Hr)
Training 18.05: Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
Topic: SIDS Prevention & Use of Safe Sleeping Practices (1 Hr)
Training 18.06: Sweet Dreams: Safe Sleep Practices to Prevent SIDS
10 clock hours: For Caregivers, Administrators, and Directors